6-8 May 2025 | Barcelona, Spain


Jon Bell

Dr. Jon Bell has been the Director of the National Seafood Inspection Laboratory (NSIL) for the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for over 9 years. NSIL is an ISO 17025 certified laboratory, and is the only seafood-focused laboratory in the agency responsible for management and regulation of US national fisheries. NSIL provides microbiological and chemical analytical services to ensure seafood product quality and safety in support of the agency’s fee for service Seafood Inspection Program, Office of Law Enforcement, Animal Bi-products Program, and other NOAA Fisheries goals and objectives. NSIL utilizes analytical systems to identify and quantify elemental metals and minerals, algal biotoxins, bacterial pathogens and other safety hazards in seafood products. NSIL also has developed a genomics program towards improved identification of bacteria and algae and support of NOAA Fisheries management objectives.

Previously Dr. Bell served the seafood industry in Louisiana as a Sea Grant seafood specialist and Extension Professor in the LSU AgCenter Food Science Department. Jon’s interests focused on seafood handling and processing for both seafood safety and quality improvement. Jon also has extensive experience in canned tuna and other seafood industry positions.


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